
A one-stop tool to assess corporate transitions and unlock finance to meet global goals

Best available analysis

TransitionArc allows anyone to see where a company lies on the path to achieving key disclosure and transition goals by bringing together the best available analysis and highlighting what ‘good’ looks like.

For the first time, you can explore and compare hundreds of companies’ performance against science-aligned targets in one place - eliminating the need to contend with varying assessment frameworks, multiple rating agencies, and conflicting metrics.

Built for the public good

Developed using philanthropic funding and in collaboration with key partners, TransitionArc benefits the whole finance community.

This tool can be used to accelerate collective climate action across a range of levers, including financing, corporate action, policy and regulation, campaigning and media:

  • Companies can prioritize green solutions and close the gaps from commitment and disclosure to action
  • Financial institutions can direct flows of capital to support corporate transitions
  • Civil society can advocate for greater corporate accountability
  • Governments and regulators can develop policy and accountability mechanisms

Access via API, data warehouse, or online

From commitment and disclosure to action, financial decision makers can direct flows of capital to support climate solutions. TransitionArc enables this by being aligned with several climate data initiatives, interoperable with other data systems, and accessible via a data marketplace, API, or online.

This easy accessibility empowers decision makers to use the data in many ways:

  • In proprietary models as part of climate transition analysis
  • Financial decision-making, including cases of lending and underwriting
  • Investment research
  • Engagement and client reporting
  • Active investment management for non-commercial purposes

We plan to give free standard data feed access to non-profit institutions working to further global goals. We are also developing a paid-for model for financial institutions (FIs) who use the analysis to support their investment process, where underlying data in our data warehouse can be accessed dynamically.

Please contact us at if you would like to discuss gaining access to the data feed.

Features in development

Please note that some features and designs are still being tested or are under development. We welcome feedback - please let us know if you think anything can be improved.

Thanks to our partners

  • Coming soon
  • Coming soon